Thursday, December 6, 2007


The Matrix Converter is realized by a matrix arrangement of four-quadrant

(bidirectional voltage-blocking, current-conducting) switches.

the topology of a three-phase to three-phase Matrix Converter. Each input

phase is connected to all the output phases by bidirectional switches. Any

input phase can be connected to any output phase, by turning on the cor-

responding switch. The basic principle of the Matrix Converter is that by

properly switching the devices a desired set of output voltages can be synthe-

sized from the set of input voltages. However there are certain constraints in

the power conversion. The input is typically a voltage source and the output is

normally connected to an inductive load. Simultaneous closing of more thanone switch connected to any output phase (u,v or w) will short circuit the

respective input phases. Also, if at-least one switch connected to each output

phase is not ON, the current path will be broken. This will cause overvolt-

ages to appear across the devices. The basic constraints for a three-phase to

three-phase Matrix Converter

Modulation of the Matrix Converter can be done in several ways. There are

classical methods like the Venturini method and modern control techniques

such as Space Vector Modulation . Space vector Modulation method is

described here. There is an inherent limitation to the voltage conversion ratio

in the Matrix converter in the linear modulation range. With space phasor

modulation the maximum amplitude of the output line voltages that we can

synthesize is limited to 0.866 times the input line peak

Indirect Converter Modulation

Indirect Converter is a cascade connection of recti_er and inverter. Here,

modulation can be done independently. The input converter is modulated

based on the Current Space Vector and output converter is modulated based

on Voltage Space Vector.

Input Converter Modulation

In the input converter, there are 6 bidirectional switches.shows the

current phasors obtained for each switching combination. For each sector one

switch is held ON during the sector, while the return phases are modulated.

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